
My name is Tyler, and I am a high school student with a strong interest in coding.

My passion for technology began with a dream of creating my own Roblox game.

Although I did not complete a Roblox game on my own, the experience significantly developed my skills.

Over the past five years, this pursuit has driven me to deepen my knowledge in this field.

I have developed proficiency in various programming languages, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Lua, Python, and C++.

Notable Projects

One of my standout projects is an AI Discord bot I developed.

This bot can summarize conversations, ping users, handle tickets, and integrate with a server.

Developing this bot independently enhanced both my problem-solving skills and coding proficiency.

Learning Path

My learning journey has been largely self-directed, utilizing numerous YouTube tutorials.

Through a hands-on, trial-and-error approach, I have learned a great deal about coding, perseverance, and the joy of discovery.

Future Aspirations

While my future remains open, it will undoubtedly be centered around coding.

I am passionate about using software and web development to automate tasks and enhance designs.

Completing projects brings me immense satisfaction, a feeling I continuously pursue with each line of code.

Life Outside Coding

Outside scripting, I am an avid tennis player, former rock climber, and skiing enthusiast.

These activities provide a balance to the meticulous world of coding, inspiring me to spend time outdoors.

At home, I enjoy spending time with my four dogs, Cash, Obi, Fergie, and Lily, and my cat, Bean.

Each pet adds a unique blend of chaos and comfort to my life, grounding me.

Aspirations and Experience

My aspirations for a college degree in software, web development, or server engineering stem from my love for coding.

Hands-on experience with Roblox systems at Urban Studios and developing AI for Discord bots has been invaluable.

As well as my new up-coming roblox game pizza fight!

(This website was writen in HTML CSS and js fully in VS code).

(Not all of my projects are on this website).